



  • General Physician is highly trained specialist who provide a range of non-surgical health care to adult patients.
  • They care for difficult, serious or unusual medical problems and continue to see the patient until these problems have resolved or stabilized.
  • They cater to patients with special or difficult problems.
  • The General Physician assessment is always comprehensive.
  • Their approach enables problems to be detected and diagnostic possibilities to be considered which might otherwise be missed.
  • They are known to carry out a variety of medical procedures for the diagnosis and management of patients with severe and complex illness.
  • They are knowledgeable about complex interactions of medications given simultaneously to treat multiple illness in a patient.
  • They are frequently asked to review patients before surgery.
  • They advise surgeons of a patients’s risk status and can recommend appropriate management to minimize the risk of operation.
  • They also assist in postoperative care and ongoing medical problems or complications.

Diet Tips For Health

  • Have balanced diet. Quality, Quantity, Timings are important to keep healthy body.
  • Keep yourself hydrated. Whenever you are thirsty please drink boiled water.
  • Drink lots of herbal tea, especially those with antibacterial properties, these include ginger, pepper, honey, basil mint.
  • Garlic, pepper, asafetida., jeera, turmeric and coriander , lemon grass, help enhance digestion and improve immunity
  • Garlic added to soup or stir fried also build body’s immunity.
  • People with skin allergies during monsoon should not eat spicy food as it stimulates. circulation and raises temperature which can lead to skin irritation , allergies and disease.
  • Consuming bitter vegetables like bitter gourd and herbs line neem, turmeric powder and methi seeds help in preventing infections.
  • Properly wash vegetables and fruits. Eat steamed salad instead raw vegetables.
  • Do not consume excess muskmelons, watermelons or mangoes. Have seasonal fruits.
  • Try to restrict the intake of processed junk, refined , bakery foods.
  • Add small and regular meals. Never skip your breakfast.
  • Eat well feel well.